
MMI just launched a free new online resource to teach kids about good money management: MoneyBunny.com.

On the site, children can explore the world of the Money Bunnies and jump-start their learning about wise financial choices. MoneyBunny.com features activities for children ages four to seven that offer an educational, yet engaging, way for kids to begin their financial education. Because parents and teachers are so important to children’s future financial success, the site also includes resources for adults to inspire positive financial lessons. The site features four interactive sections to encourage good money management.

  1. Stories and podcasts
    – Children can read along with a podcast to two Money Bunny storybooks: Money Bunny Takes a Vacation and Brownie Wants a New Bike.

  2. Online coloring pages
    -Kids can add color and creativity to their favorite moments from the Money Bunny storybooks with interactive coloring sheets and the drag-and-drop color palette.

  3. Printables
    – Coloring sheets are also available as printable pages for offline learning.

  4. Resources for grownups
    – Parents and teachers can share their ideas and experiences when it comes to teaching money management to kids and find inspiration from others.

The site also features Money Bunny lesson plans for teachers and helpful articles for parents.

Explore MoneyBunny.com with your kids today!  

Money Bunny Bank