Take a vacation near your budget

I just received the preliminary results of a survey we conducted last month about how consumers are handling the economic downturn.  When asked what the most extreme sacrifice they would make if the downturn continues, 22% said they would forgo their vacation plans.   While the number seems significant in and of itself, it might not paint the whole picture.  After all, this is 22% of consumers who planned to vacation in the first place.

According to the Conference Board, only 40% of consumers plan to take a vacation within the next six months; this is a 28-year low.  A recent USA Today/Gallup Poll also supports the theory that changes in the economy are impacting many American’s vacation plans. One-third of survey respondents said they are changing summer vacation plans because of higher gas prices.  Of those changing plans, 37% said they would reduce the number of trips normally taken and 26% said they’re canceling plans or simply can’t afford to vacation.

Before you give up on your dreams of a family vacation, consider taking a staycation.  There are a ton of online articles offering ideas for vacationing near home; following are links to some my favorites.

Ideas for Cheap Vacations In Your Home Town
The Joy of the Staycation

Get away on vacation — at home
10 At Home Vacation Ideas.

If you have staycation ideas or stories, please share them through the comments section.