10 Tips for Updating Your Business with AI, Sustainability and Other Trends

Keeping up with the latest trends can be an essential part of running a small business. Some current trends like AI and sustainability can be especially relevant to today’s businesses. See some tips for making the most of those trends from members of the online small business community in the list below.

Make AI Work for You

Artificial intelligence has many potential benefits for businesses. And since the technology is still evolving, people are still coming up with new ways to use it. This Jobscience post by Jeff Paquette goes over some of the ways AI can help when it comes to recruiting for your business.

Use These Product Design Strategies for a Sustainable Future

Sustainability is a major factor for today’s businesses. And product design can make a big difference for the carbon footprint of your small business. In this Crowdspring post, Katie Lundin outlines some product design strategies you can use to make your business more sustainable.

Improve Your Online Business Reputation

There are so many factors that go into building a great business reputation online. But maintaining that reputation can make a huge difference. In this CorpNet post, Maggie Aland provides five different ways you can improve your online business reputation.

Remember That the Customer Isn’t Always Right

For years, it’s been said that the customer is always right. But that old school way of thinking could get some businesses in trouble. Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media elaborates in a recent post. And members of the BizSugar community comment on the post here.

Optimize Your Content for Voice Search

Voice search is becoming a more prominent activity as more smartphone and home assistant devices integrate the technology. That means your business needs to optimize its content for that type of search if you want it to get found. Kevin Cotch shares some tips for doing so in this TopRank Marketing post.

Keep Your Office Chat Productive

Live chat programs can help your small business team stay in constant contact and be productive. But if you let your team get off track, it can have the opposite effect. In this DIY Marketers post, Paul Comaroto offers four tips you can use to keep your office chat productive.

Monetize YouTube Video Content

YouTube is becoming an increasingly viable platform for starting a business. And there are actually a number of different ways you can monetize YouTube content. Dorothy Cheng lists five of those methods in this Social Media Examiner post.

Build Your Own Community with WordPress Forum Plugins

Building an online community can help you create a truly engaged customer base. And there are plenty of WordPress plugins out there that can help you accomplish that goal. You can read about some of them in this LoudTechie post by Alok Rana. You can also see what BizSugar members had to say about the post here.

Lead Radical Change in Your Organization

As technology and trends evolve, it sometimes becomes necessary to make radical changes. In this Right Mix Marketing post, Anthony Bergs outlines some methods you can use to lead that type of radical change within your organization.

Find the Best Virtual Office Location

Since so many modern businesses are location independent, virtual offices that give you flexibility while also offering important amenities can be beneficial. This Noobpreneur post by Ivan Widjaya includes eight of the best virtual office locations around the world for you to consider.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.

AI image via Shutterstock

This article, “10 Tips for Updating Your Business with AI, Sustainability and Other Trends” was first published on Small Business Trends