25 Businesses You Can Start for Less Than $1,000

25 1000 Dollar Business Ideas

Not all businesses require a ton of capital to get started. In fact, some can be started for an investment of $1,000 or less. If you have between and $100 and $1,000 to start a business, here are some $1,000 dollar business ideas you can use to get started.

$1,000 Dollar Business Ideas

Personal Trainer

For athletically inclined entrepreneurs, you can start a personal training business out of a home gym. You’ll need to purchase some basic workout equipment like weights, treadmills and benches. You can start small or even purchase some used equipment just to get started.


If you have an idea for a book, you can self publish using a number of different services. Sometimes, you need to spend some money upfront just to get your book published. This can be around two or three hundred dollars. Or you could publish it as an ebook to save even more money.

Coffee Cart

You don’t have to invest in a full coffee shop to start a coffee related business. You could go the less expensive route and start a coffee cart that you can set up at events, shopping centers or office buildings. You’ll need to purchase the actual cart and the coffee, coffee maker and cups. But it’s a fairly inexpensive and small scale alternative.

Antique Dealer

You could also invest your money in some antique pieces and space at an antique mall or events. Some antique malls charge a monthly rent while events usually charge a flat rate to participate. Others might take a small percentage of sales, especially when selling online.

Clothing Designer

Or if you want to make your own unique products, you could invest in some materials and sewing equipment to create your own clothing line. You can then sell your clothes online or in local boutiques.

Jewelry Maker

You could also focus on making jewelry and selling your pieces online or at events. You’ll simply need to purchase some beads, wire or other supplies. Then you can set up your own website to sell your pieces online or even get some space at local craft shows or flea markets.


With some basic glassblowing equipment, you can start your own business selling glass beads or even larger items like light fixtures. The equipment used can vary in cost from a couple hundred dollars to more than a thousand. But you can always start small and wait until you can use your profits to add on.


Cameras and photography equipment can be very expensive. But you can get started with a photography business just by having the basics like a camera and a lens or two. You can get a basic DSLR for around $500, which will likely represent your biggest upfront expense. Then you can get a few accessories and maybe set up a website to showcase your work.

Auto Detailing

You could also invest your money in some cleaning and detailing supplies. This might include soaps, waxes and even a carpet cleaner. Then set up your own business as an auto detailer where you just travel to your clients when they need services.

Makeup Artist

Or you could be a traveling makeup artist where you provide services at events or on location. Your major expense in this type of business is the actual makeup. Obviously, the actual cost will vary depending on what type of makeup you choose and how much of it you need. But you can always start out with just the basics, which might mean spending a few hundred dollars.


Similarly, you can offer hairstyling services on location so you don’t have to invest in your own space. You’ll need some hair products, styling tools, scissors, capes and similar items. But it should be a fairly inexpensive undertaking if you don’t need to actually rent salon space.

Personal Chef

If you’re more interested in starting a food related business, you can offer your services as a personal chef. You’ll need some kitchen equipment and you might also want to set up a website so you can attract clients.


Or you could start a catering business working first with small events or clients who don’t require you to have a full commercial kitchen right away. If you can work out of your home kitchen, you’ll just need to buy some kitchen equipment and the rest of your money will likely go toward the actual food you need for your first jobs.


You could also start your own baking business without a lot of upfront investment. Just sell your baked goods online or provide items to local bake shops. Again, you’ll mainly need kitchen equipment and ingredients in order to get started.

Plant Nursery

If you have some outdoor space at your home, you can build a greenhouse or similar structure and start your own nursery to provide plants to customers. If you need to build a greenhouse, the supplies for that will likely take up most of your initial budget. Then you’ll just need seeds, soil and fertilizer to get your plants going.


For entrepreneurs who are good with home related projects, you can start a handyman business where to go to clients’ homes to fix various issues. You just need to invest in some tools and ensure that you have reliable transportation so you can get to your jobs.

Pool Cleaning Business

You could also start a pool cleaning business with some basic equipment like a vacuum, brushes and nets and then access to reliable transportation.


Similarly, those who enjoy working outdoors can provide lawn mowing and landscaping services to clients. For this, you’ll need a lawnmower and some other outdoor tools.

Alterations Service

For entrepreneurs with some sewing skills, you can start an alterations business where customers send or bring in their garments and other items to be altered or repaired. This type of business mainly just requires you to have a sewing machine and some very inexpensive sewing materials.

Dating Site

You can also start an online business without a ton of upfront investment. A dating site, for example, requires mainly hosting, domain, design and marketing expenses.

Tech Support Service

Or you could use your tech skills to help others with their computer issues. You can take calls and help people troubleshoot issues that way, or even travel to your clients to offer assistance.

Digital Marketing Agency

For skilled marketers, you can start your own marketing agency where you operate mainly online, providing assistance in areas like social media, content marketing and online advertising. You’ll need to cover startup expenses just for small things like a domain, hosting, advertising and other incidentals.

Software Developer

You could also spend your time and startup capital developing your own software program to sell. This requires you to have some decent hardware and maybe a course or training program.

App Developer

Or you could focus on mobile technology and develop your own mobile app, or even start a business developing apps for clients. There are some relatively affordable mobile development platforms you can use. So you mainly need to spend on an actual mobile device for testing and submitting your app to app stores.

Glass blower Photo via Shutterstock

This article, “25 Businesses You Can Start for Less Than $1,000” was first published on Small Business Trends