These 5 Tips Will Change the Way You Deal with Rejection as a Small Business Owner

Can You Deal with Rejection as a Small Business Owner?

Rejection in business is something you simply can’t avoid.

Even the most renowned business owners have experienced rejection and failure on the way to dominating within their industry.

Being tenacious in the face of rejection instead of throwing in the towel can lead to your business thriving instead of crumbling.

How to Deal With Rejection As a Small Business Owner

Here are a few ways to deal with business rejection:

Remember, Business is Business

Taking rejection personally is the worst thing you can do.

Separate your self-worth from your business results. If your self-confidence is impacted by every business dealing, you’re likely going to have a tough time moving forward.

Remember, running a business is a series of ups and downs for everyone. Experiencing a low doesn’t mean you’re a terrible business owner.

Maybe your pitch was rejected because of budget reasons.

Maybe your proposal was rejected because your experience isn’t what a company needs right now.

Ultimately, business is about dollars and cents. And if a person or business declines working with you for a personal reason, you probably don’t want to work with them anyway.

When you think about it in this way, each rejection feels less like a personal failure and more like a business partnership that simply wasn’t the right fit.

Don’t Be Stubborn — Learn from Feedback

Often a rejection doesn’t come with a reason.

As a freelancer, most of my rejection comes from complete silence.

If I’m lucky enough to get a response back, it’s usually the basic, “thanks, but no thanks.”

If someone does happen to give you feedback, work through it and consider making some adjustments to what you’re pitching and how you’re pitching it.

Always be open to constructive criticism.

After all, that’s how you grow and improve for the next time around.

Keep Going Until it Gets Easier

The first few rejections are usually the hardest.

Even anticipating the first rejection can be terrifying.

A business feels like our baby. We birth it, nurture it, and then share it with the world hoping that other people will swoon.

If the reception is lukewarm, it can be devastating.

Know that the first few times you experience rejection are the hardest, and you’ll develop a thicker skin.

Rejection doesn’t mean your idea is terrible or that your business is doomed.

You may need to go back to the drawing board to refine your target customer and to tailor your business offerings to a group of people who appreciate your skills and what you do.

Each rejection is actually leading you closer and closer to the right business model, customers, and partnerships.

Final Word

We always hear the stories of other business owners who fail their way to success.

Believe me, it’s all great in theory.

But when you’re down in the trenches experiencing rejection and failure for yourself, the story is a little less romantic.

The one big consolation is knowing you’re not alone.

Your peers and even business owners you admire face rejection as well.

Accept it, appreciate feedback, make pivots when necessary, and continue to push forward.

Handling rejection this way is what separates business owners who give up feeling defeated and those who use setbacks to build a successful business.


This article, “These 5 Tips Will Change the Way You Deal with Rejection as a Small Business Owner” was first published on Small Business Trends