The Once Banned Kinder Eggs are Coming to the US

The Once Banned Kinder Eggs is Coming to the US

Kinder eggs are coming to the U.S. If you’re unfamiliar with this unique product that has lots of fans around the world, you might want to pay attention — it could be a great opportunity for your small business.

The Kinder egg, or Kinder Surprise as it’s known in some circles, is basically a chocolate egg that contains a small plastic toy inside. It sounds innocent enough. But until recently, the product was actually banned in the U.S.

This is because of an obscure law that restricts the sale of any food product that contains a non-food product inside. Ferrero International, the company that owns the Kinder brand, has found a way around this law with a product called the Kinder Joy. This product contains two individually wrapped half eggs. It still includes a plastic toy, but it’s not technically embedded within the chocolate because of how it’s packaged.

Obscure laws aside, Kinder products are incredibly popular around the world. And the previous inability for U.S. consumers to buy them could potentially lead to a lot of buzz for these products in their new market. Walmart will begin selling the Kinder eggs on Black Friday and will have exclusive rights to sell them for 30 days. But after that, smaller retailers can stock their shelves with these products.

Kinder Eggs are Coming to the US – How Can You Benefit?

Adding a small chocolate egg to your product line might seem like a pretty negligible thing. But the buzz around these products could lead to unique promotional opportunities for businesses. The Kinder egg has an interesting story behind it, and a feeling of mystery surrounding it due to the previous ban. So you can share these stories on social media and in other marketing materials to create even more buzz around your new product line. And if you can get more people through the door because of a unique product that you carry, you have a better chance of creating lasting relationships with customers and growing a successful business.


This article, “The Once Banned Kinder Eggs are Coming to the US” was first published on Small Business Trends