Extreme California Weather Highlights the Importance of Being Prepared (Watch)

For the last several years, California has been been dealing with extreme drought levels. This has led to plenty of issues for businesses in the state, most notably for agriculture businesses. But even those that use water for other things like food processing, energy and hospitality have had to make adjustments due to the drought levels.

Now, the state is looking at its lowest drought levels since 2011. No part of the state is in an extreme drought for the first time in four years. And the state is apparently on track to have its wettest year on record.

But it’s not all good news for California businesses. This quick turnaround does mean that the state might have to brace itself for more floods. And that’s something that can have a negative impact on area businesses as well, though perhaps in different ways.

It Pays to Have a Severe Weather Emergency Plan

Unfortunately for those businesses, there still isn’t any way to control the weather. So not much can be done to prevent these issues from occurring in the first place. But being prepared for droughts, floods and everything in between is a good idea for any business.

Even if your business doesn’t operate in California, having a severe weather emergency plan could prove to be beneficial in the case of an emergency.

Sand Bags California Photo via Shutterstock

This article, “Extreme California Weather Highlights the Importance of Being Prepared (Watch)” was first published on Small Business Trends