Highlights from the FedEx #Smallbizchat About Growing a Small Business Online

Highlights from the FedEx #Smallbizchat How to Grow an Online Business Discussion

What do you focus on most when trying to grow a small business?

When it comes to growing your business online, you can focus on things like content creation or social media promotions. You can also consider seeking extra funding to jumpstart your growth.

But there isn’t just one right answer for every business. That’s why it can help to consider all the different options and converse with other business owners about the different paths that have worked for them.

A recent Twitter chat focused on this topic specifically.

Highlight from the How to Grow an Online Business Discussion

Small business expert Melinda Emerson (@SmallBizLady) and Small Business Trends founder and CEO Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends) discussed “How to Grow a Small Business” in a Twitter chat Wednesday, sponsored by FedEx (NYSE:FDX).

You can follow the entire Twitter chat archive by following the #Smallbizchat hashtag. And you can see excerpts from the chat below.

The discussion began with a question about what the first step of growing a small business should be.

More specifically, chat participants talked about the potential for growing a business through blogging and social media.

Content can be another powerful method for growing a business online. So chat participants discussed that concept next.

Traffic can be another powerful indicator of growth for online businesses. So entrepreneurs shared some of their secrets during the chat.

And finally, chat participants went over some tips for growing a business by growing a team.

Tablet Reading Photo via Shutterstock

This article, “Highlights from the FedEx #Smallbizchat About Growing a Small Business Online” was first published on Small Business Trends