How a Small Business Can Capitalize on Big News Like the Royal Wedding

How a Small Business Can Capitalize on News Like the Royal Wedding

The Upcoming Royal Wedding is big news for small business. For example, GoDaddy Email Marketing stats show open rates for emails with royal wedding related subject lines has spiked by 25%. Entrepreneurs are known to take advantage of big news like this to bump profits. Small Business Trends asked GoDaddy’s Chief Product Officer Steven Aldrich how.

How to Capitalize on News and Events

Buy Relevant Domains and Sell Themed Products

He started by telling us buying relevant domains are key for cultural type events that have a long lead time. That way, small businesses have time to develop themed products and services to sell.

“If you’re jumping on a fun cultural event, such as the Royal Wedding, there are a number of out of the box tactics you can leverage for your business online,” he says. “For example, you could create special edition versions of your existing merchandise, run a special promotional coupon offer on your online store, or change up the content on your business’ social channels.”

Use Email Marketing

Aldrich has also noticed how small businesses are tweaking their email marketing campaigns by putting Royal Wedding keywords in.

He also suggests that faster breaking news stories require faster reaction time. One great news jacking technique in those circumstances for email marketing campaigns is a newsworthy subject line that’s proven to spike open rates.

Aldrich stresses how important it is to tie your goods and services to the event.

“When done right, piggybacking on the news can be an easy and affordable way to generate sales and to gain new customers. As news breaks or as a story develops in real-time, potential customers become interested in products and services related to what is happening.”

Use The Right SEO Techniques

Using the right search engine optimization techniques is a good way to get your sales up. When there’s big news, potential customers look online and you can piggyback along their searches. Aldrich strikes a cautionary note here by saying businesses should always make sure the current events they are leveraging are relevant to what they sell.

He says if it feels like too much of a stretch to tie your business to a cultural event, it more than likely is. Avoiding public tragedies is always a good practice.

One other thing to consider could be targeting international interest in order to reach a wider customer base,” he says.

“The World Cup or other sporting events could be key events that provide opportunity for themed product sales.”

Pick A Holiday

Finally, you can use the tactics mentioned to ride along on the coattails of an annual holiday. Its’ estimated Americans will spend $5.9 billion on St. Patrick’s Day. According to the National Retail Association, 73% of the money spent on that one holiday goes toward themed clothing, candy and decorations.

Aldrich offers some final advice on the best kind of events to piggyback on.

“It’s smart to stick to positive cultural events like the Royal Wedding, beloved awards shows or events that have a historical significance like the total eclipse we saw in 2017.”

Photo via Shutterstock

This article, “How a Small Business Can Capitalize on Big News Like the Royal Wedding” was first published on Small Business Trends