
April is Financial Literacy Month and one of the many ways MMI is recognizing the significance of financial literacy is by offering a series of free financial Webinars. Last week’s Webinar covered setting goals and getting organized.  In case you missed it, here is one of the Webinar’s activities.

What shape most appeals to you? 


1.  Square: You are good with detail and tend to be very logical, analytical and task-oriented. You are good with budgets and are able to stick to a structured plan.

2. Circle: You are a lover. You are nurturing, sensitive, talkative and very social. Plainly put, you are good with people. Because you are giving, you have difficulty saying no and this is hard on a budget.

3. Rectangle: You are good with detail but are more flexible then a square You are an organized team player and are usually fair. You are best at budgeting because you are flexible and have a desire to involve family members.

4. Squiggle: You are open-minded and creative and have many friends. You have a love of freedom but do not care for detail. Your spontaneity can make you an impulse spender who has difficulty following a budget.

4. Triangle: You are a sharp powerful risk taker. You make lists and act. You control your money but are willing to take risks with it.

Values are fundamental beliefs about what you regard as important, desirable, and worthwhile. Each of us differs in the way we value employment, family life, spiritual matters, personal health, education, public policy, credit use, and the many other issues that confront us daily. Often, values reflect your family background and change very little over your lifetime.

One way to recognize personal values is to examine the ways you spend, save, and share your time and money. If you are not satisfied with what you are getting out of life, there may be a conflict between your values and how you use your time and money. Values serve as the basis for financial goals. Do you agree with the personality assessment? Do you feel that you are living in a way that is consistent with your values? How can you bring your values and your actions more in line with one another?

Don’t miss the next webinar topic: Managing Income and Expenses. Check out all of our free financial Webinars.  And if you simply can’t wait for the next Webinar, you can view a Webcast right now!

This post was included in the

Festival of Frugality hosted by Beating Broke
