Spotlight: Timyo Saves Busy Professionals Time on Emails

Spotlight: Timyo Email Solution Saves Busy Professionals Time on Emails

Managing email communications can be a time-consuming task for business owners and busy professionals. But Timyo is a small business that aims to make that task easier.

The company provides a solution that focuses on cutting down the time you spend going through emails. Read more about the solution and the company behind it in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers an email solution for busy professionals.

Fabrice Dumans, founder and CEO of Timyo told Small Business Trends, “Timyo is the first business email solution that respects our most precious resource: Time. With Timyo, you send and receive emails with clear expectations. At a glance, you know how and when you need to respond to an email. Together we can all be more productive and stress-free.”

Business Niche

Making the most of email.

Dumans says, “While most of our competitors think email is dead, we think the opposite and try to fix it. And while others are focusing on increasing the speed of communication, we aim to create a balance and educate others to communicate at the right-speed, not the fastest speed, about what matters, when it matters. We are a firm believer of work life balance, and shouldn’t be constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed, which is bad for businesses.”

How the Business Got Started

To address existing problems with email.

Dumans explains, “Like many of us, I suffered from email overload and felt overwhelmed when managing my flooding inbox. I was inspired and resoluted to change the way we use email by providing a completely new approach. I brought my family with me and arrived in the US, where it is the perfect place to start a software business to join my Co-founder in Los Angeles.”

Biggest Win

Getting early investors.

Dumans says, “I would say that for us, it was key to raise money very early stage in order to file a patent and work on a P.O.C without aiming to have any users in the first one or two years. So the first investor that said “Yes” was really encouraging, because if we are able to get one, it is a proof of our potential and ideas to interest more investors. Our ambition was already high, but at that time we had a full bucket of challenge to tackle, especially in technology.”

Biggest Risk

Waiting to raise extra funds.

Dumans explains, “A startup like us makes a lot of achievement in less than one year. So we took the decision to raise money for one year only and to wait until the limit to raise an additional round. It was pretty risky but we were able to show very impressive improvements and thus, we doubled the value in the next round.”

Spotlight: Timyo Email Solution Saves Busy Professionals Time on Emails

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Expanding the team.

Dumans says, “Hiring great people is always the thing I will do with more money. As Michael Jordan said once “Great players win matches but teams win championships.””

Team Tradition

Brainstorming different time saving business ideas.

Dumans says, “Timyo, meaning Time Is My Own is more than just an email solution to us, it carries our philosophy that preserving our most precious resource, time, is the key to our happiness. With this idea in mind, we always have games learning / brainstorming different areas that could incorporate Timyo’s core value to spark inspirations for potential future businesses! For example, Gas-stations promising to fill your tank under a minute; Supermarkets committing to having customer wait no longer than 10 minutes during check out; airports that let you check in with less than 10 minutes.”

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Images: Timyo

This article, “Spotlight: Timyo Saves Busy Professionals Time on Emails” was first published on Small Business Trends