April is Financial Literacy Month – and we’ve been looking forward to celebrating all year!
Don’t know what Financial Literacy Month is? Not sure why it’s such a big deal? Good! You’ve got a lot to learn – and we have a lot of wisdom to impart upon your eager mind. Luckily for you, you could also win cash for participating. That is how important Financial Literacy Month is.
Joining the Financial Literacy Month Challenge is easy. Visit FinancialLiteracyMonth.com or find us on Facebook to sign up, and then share something with us related to one of the steps. You could submit a photo capturing your frugality in action, a story about reaching a financial goal or a financial tip you feel others may find valuable – however the day’s tip inspires you, simply share it for a chance to win. It’s that simple.
Three winners will be chosen at random upon the conclusion of Financial Literacy Month. Each of the three winners will receive a cash prize, which we encourage you to put toward your financial goal – whatever that may be. The prizes are:
- First place: $500
- Second place: $300
- Third place: $200
Learn more by visiting FinancialLiteracyMonth.com.