Three free business ideas

I have a lot of ideas. I don’t know if my ideas are good or not because I really don’t have the time to find out before another idea hits. In case you are more focused (and really, who isn’t?), I thought I would put three of my latest business ideas out there. After all, in today’s economy it makes sense to consider ways to make some extra money. Just be sure to let me know if you run with one of them and make it big!

-Manufacture an attractive ‘no soliciting’ sign. Why are all ‘no soliciting’ signs so ugly? I don’t want solicitors, but I also don’t want a day-glo orange reflective sign on my front door. Might also branch out to ‘do not disturb’ and ‘beware of dog.’

-Run a baby/kid supply cleaning company. Targeted toward any place kids congregate. Cleaning supplies would be antibiotic, bio-degradable, and safe. Cleaners would be background-checked. Would give parents peace of mind. A good ‘vaule-add’ for childcare providers and daycare centers.

-Design a Web site for people who name their cars (I even started designing this one). There are stats to back up the fact that people who name their cars are really attached to them. I thought it would be fun to create a dating-like matchmaking site for cars with names and their potential new owners.

Since it is well known that my ideas come in rapid-fire fragments, someone forwarded me a link to a story about a gumball machine that dispenses ideas. I am thinking of “borrowing” that idea. If you saw one of these near a coffee shop, would you be curious enough to pay for an idea?