Two Important Lessons MeUndies Can Teach Your Small Business

Be Different: Add Value to an Offering

Shopping for underwear isn’t generally considered to be very exciting. But MeUndies is looking to change that by taking a unique approach to selling underwear.

The company provides a subscription service that delivers unique new underwear to its customers every month. The idea is that it makes the shopping process a little more fun. Instead of rifling through racks or bins at a department store, you can simply get a new pair delivered to your door each month. In addition, this simply gives consumers another option for buying their underwear. It’s a new approach for a fairly common product.

Bryan Lalezarian, CEO of MeUndies notes that a lot of today’s consumers simply don’t think about buying new underwear very often. And young consumers in particular don’t seem to care for department store shopping. So MeUndies makes the whole process less of a hassle, while also adding the fun of receiving a new pair each month.

Be Different: Add Value to an Offering

Small businesses can learn from this model as well. Even if you’re selling a product that isn’t especially new or exciting, you can differentiate your business by changing the way you sell that product. Even something simple — like a corner store that offers delivery or an accountant that offers an easy-to-use mobile app, can make a big difference. If you give customers an option that’s more fun, convenient or easy, they could really gravitate toward your business.


This article, “Two Important Lessons MeUndies Can Teach Your Small Business” was first published on Small Business Trends