Lights, Camera, Action! “SEO: The Movie” Coming Soon to the Small Screen

Movie about SEO Coming This Summer

Movies about business dealings can be a great source of inspiration for business owners. Now there is a new movie about SEO coming to the small screen small business owners and entrepreneurs should be looking out for.

“SEO: The Movie,” a documentary about the SEO industry, is hitting the small screen June 20, 2017. This is not a joke! Over the last six months, an SEO Company in California — Ignite Visibility — has been working on a full length documentary telling the story of search engine optimization to be released this summer.

Movie about SEO Coming This Summer

“SEO: The Movie” covers the early days of SEO in the U.S. when people were “spammin and jamming,” affiliates vs. main stream, black hat vs. white hat and the unique and often rocky stories of the industry’s pioneers. It also tells how former Google head of web spam Matt Cutts changed the industry, the history of Google updates and has commentary on the future of SEO from the industry’s top minds.

The movie features top experts in the SEO industry such as John Muller, Maile Ohye and Aleyda Solis, and leading software providers such as Moz, SEM Rush, Conductor, Spy Fu, Rio SEO, Ahrefs, Majestic and more. It includes documentary-style interviews with industry pioneers Danny Sullivan, Rand Fishkin, Jill Whalen, Brett Tabke, Rae Hoffman and Barry Schwartz.

Check out the trailer below:

Small Businesses May Finally Get Answers to their SEO Questions

Small businesses love SEO because of its ability to boost their brand presence online, but some often wonder whether SEO really works. How effective is SEO these days, anyway? Small business owners and webmasters could possibly get these and other SEO questions they’ve had for a long time answered in the Movie.

One enthusiast who is looking forward to watching the movie comments:

“What a brilliant idea. There are documentaries on many subjects. SEO deserves more than one documentary. Search is the lifeline of almost all businesses in the world. Can’t wait to watch it.”

“SEO: The Movie” is produced and directed by John Lincoln, CEO of Ignite Visibility. Ignite Visibility offers SEO, social media, paid media, email marketing, Amazon marketing and conversion rate optimization services to “ignite your online visibility and trigger the growth of your online business.”

Image: Ignite Visibility

This article, “Lights, Camera, Action! “SEO: The Movie” Coming Soon to the Small Screen” was first published on Small Business Trends