Network Segmentation Could Save Your Small Business Millions in a Cyber Attack (INFOGRAPHIC)

Network Segmentation Security Could Save Your Small Business Millions in a Cyber Attack (INFOGRAPHIC)

For small businesses that rely on websites, smartphones and even connected devices, security is quickly becoming one of the top, if not the top priority in the digital ecosystem where they operate. An infographic from network security company Tufin titled, “Making Security Manageable Through Network Segmentation,” will introduce you to a security feature you might not be aware of, network segmentation.

With 43 percent of cyber-attacks targeting small businesses, this is a demographic in need of more ammunition when it comes to fighting cybercriminals. The Tuffin infographic reveals the damage caused by cybercrimes will result in $6 trillion globally by 2021. It goes on to say, 80 percent of the cybercriminals are affiliated with organized crime.

According to Tufin, network segmentation is an accepted practice by security experts and industry regulators. If properly implemented with best practices, it can be a valuable technique. This requires having strong firewall policies and visualizing and enforcing the segmentation by maintaining continuous compliance, tightening overall network security, and avoiding security risks with unnecessary exposure. 

What is Network Segmentation Security?

In layman’s terms, the process of network segmentation creates network segments from a computer network by separating them into subnetworks. So, in essence, each segment is its own network protected with a different set of protocols. By separating each segment according to role and functionality, they can be protected with varying levels of security.

What this means is, an attack on one of the segmented networks will not spread as quickly compared to a single network.

The US-CERT or United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team said, “Proper network segmentation is a very effective security mechanism to prevent an intruder from propagating exploits or laterally moving around an internal network.”

Cyber-attacks are a pervasive problem with no end in sight. And as we become more connected, it is getting increasingly more difficult to protect our digital assets. Network segmentation will not solve all of the security issues small businesses face, but it can be used as one of many tools you can deploy for a comprehensive protection scheme.

Network Segmentation Security Could Save Your Small Business Millions in a Cyber Attack (INFOGRAPHIC)

Images: Tufin

This article, “Network Segmentation Could Save Your Small Business Millions in a Cyber Attack (INFOGRAPHIC)” was first published on Small Business Trends