Some People Get a Little Too Wrapped Up in Secret Santa

Secret Santa Business Cartoon

Listen, I don’t want to be a Scrooge so close to Christmas, but nothing used to set my teeth on edge like someone coming around to my desk and pushing the annual Secret Santa thing.

You can’t really say no, and so now you have one more thing to think about, buy, wrap, and deliver. And depending on who you get, the think-about portion can really be a headache.

I got my immediate supervisor one year and fretted about the merits of a gift card vs. a scented candle for two weeks. (I think I ended up drawing her something. Cartooning to the rescue!)

Anyway, when I was writing my holiday stuff this year the “Secret” in “Secret Santa” suggested national security and this cartoon popped out and now it’s my gift to you.

Happy Holidays!

This article, “Some People Get a Little Too Wrapped Up in Secret Santa” was first published on Small Business Trends