What Is Dodd-Frank and How Does It Affect Small Business?

What is Dodd-Frank and why are many small business owners applauding a recent decision by President Trump to scale the legislation back? Read more »

41 Percent of Small Business Owners Plan on Reinvesting

Small businesses are being more optimistic about their economic future to the point that they're ready to invest more into their businesses. Read more »

20 Platforms for Workers in the Gig Economy

Think Uber or Airbnb are the only platforms for gig economy workers? Wrong. Here are nearly two dozen gig websites where you can find work. Read more »

Are Elon Musk’s Ties to President Trump Damaging Tesla’s Brand?

Are Elon Musk’s connections to Trump damaging the Tesla Brand? Maybe so, especially after the president’s decision to temporarily halt refugees. Read more »

Small Business Owners More Optimistic than General Public, Survey Says

Small business owners are optimistic about 2017 and plan to grow and hire more employees. The same optimism isn't quite there among their customers. Read more »

7 Reasons Linda McMahon Is a Great Pick for SBA Administrator

Why Linda McMahon? Well, she may not be an expert swamp drainer but she is promising changes to the Small Business Administration if she's confirmed. Read more »

8 Best Cities for Freelance Networking

Freelancers have to get out and network to meet new prospective clients. These eight locations are the best cities for freelance networking. Read more »

Will Trump Trade Rules Hurt Small Ecommerce Sellers?

How will ecommerce sellers in the US be affected by trade policy shifts bandied about by President Donald Trump? Read more »

Number of Small Businesses Bought and Sold Hits All Time High, BizBuySell Reports

The amount of small businesses being bought and sold is soaring. Read more »

28 Percent of Obamacare Customers are Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Obamacare and small businesses are more closely tied than previously thought. To keep owners on his side, President Trump will need a replacement, fast. Read more »